Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pebbles and Boulders

I had a disturbing experience today, I was reading my sister's blog for the first time and I realized that she has a whole secret blog life that I didn't even know about. Ok, in fairness I knew about it but had never really been bored enough to read it until today. As I read, I realized maybe I should have a blog, not that I expect anyone to read it, but if you have happened upon this and are reading, WELCOME TO MY BLOG!

If you are my sister and reading this, your blog has inspired me to be a blogger as well (lets not talk about our blogging habits though, it might make people wonder why we don't just talk to each other)!

And in this we come to my pebble today - Should I really be able to learn more about my sister on a blog then I learn from my conversations with her?

My initial thought is no, I should call her, drive across the city and see her new kitchen that she is blogging about and maybe just maybe have an actual conversation. Then I was stunned to discover that she blogs about our family, her life, my dog! There is a picture of my dog on her blog, she didn't even ask if she could blog about him, she just did! Does anyone out there care about my dog? I do, my fiance does, it is his dog too, but other then that what interest could this possibly have for people?

Blogging, Facebooking is kind of like the new email. Remember email - now totally just for business use, it has no practical application in the current iWorld, why would we email when we can twitter, blog, and facebook among other things. All of these new ways to bring me closer together with people and yet I'm not really closer to them, I just know more about their random thoughts, daily doings and pet perks and peeves.

Now that this pebble is rolling, I'm beginning to think I like this, I can just write here and even if no one reads it, I'll have deposited a lot of useless jumble from my head onto paper and if one small favour it won't be in my head anymore. If you have been in my head you will agree that this is probably a good thing. But back to my original thought - It's a scary moment when you realize a person you have known your whole life has a secret blogger life that you knew nothing about. I shouldn't be able to learn more about my sister online then I do in real life, we should be less lazy, talk more to each other, maybe about her blog...I think I'll call her tonight.

Call someone you care tonight, then blog about it ~



  1. Jennibean- as usual you are right! We should talk more, but I also think we talk WAY more than most siblings and should be damn proud about it! The reason I started my blog is exactly what you wrote "I'm beginning to think I like this, I can just write here and even if no one reads it, I'll have deposited a lot of useless jumble from my head onto paper and if one small favour it won't be in my head anymore. If you have been in my head you will agree that this is probably a good thing." It gets stuff out there! And then I found that there is a whole blogging community of people who love books and then they blog about them! So I can read their blogs and learn about new books and then read the books and blog about them on my blog and whew...fun, right? I am glad you are here and I will be back!

  2. love it! though pebbles and boulders makes me think of bras - ha ha!


    not too serious i hope
